Photoshoot: Nahid - Behind The Screen

Published by Mainul Munna • Aug 20, 2016

About Writer
We recently spent a day behind the scenes with the photographer Mainul Munna, studying on Honors 2nd year, fell in love with photography from the moment he first picked up a camera, and is just as passionate about it today. The 20-year-old got started at a young age (14), shooting pictures of sky, sun rising, sun sets using mobile camera or friend’s DSLR. After buying his own DSLR on 2nd February 2016, he started taking photography more seriously.

No smile, our target doesn’t smile

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During the photoshoot we discovered that, our target Nahid doesn’t smile. Usually he keep smiling but he is in full gravity when he is before camera.

So trying to discover innocent Nahid

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As he is not going to smile, we started to think in a different way. Target: discover innocent Nahid. We fitted all the buttons of his shirt. We tried to bring such a look which easily goes with the smileless face. To bring a stylish essence with that, we shoved his shirt’s lower portion in his pant. The funniest part is we saw a glimpse of slightest smile on his face. Then we selected the third photo to use as cover.

Where Mr. Nahid is staring at the ceiling?

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He couldn’t understand where to look at when we asked him to look upwards. So we tricked him to help with that. Here! Look here! We keep saying this. And he listened to us as an obedient kid. He kept looking where we pointed. It would be better if we could do a video. The scene was watch worthy. Once we cropped and edited slightly, we got a fantastic picture which we used as profile picture afterwards. Nahid set this picture as his facebook profile picture

Need vivid smile, open-hearted smile, like hu ha ha

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Vivid smile takes someone to another level. We wanted to captured Nahid’s open-hearted smile in a frame. But he couldn’t provide that. Zafree tried to bring out Nahid’s crocodile smile. He tried so hard to make Nahid smile. Zafree kept deceiving Nahid to make him smile and I kept clicking and found some awesome pictures. We crop the first one and used it as cover.

Nahid became easy at last

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At last Nahid became free with us. He acted flowingly in the frame.

Happy photoshoot.


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